Field Visit to Bardiya National Park

Field Visit to Bardiya National Park

The 1st and 2nd year BSc. Environmental Science students of NAMI visited Bardiya National Park on 29th August, 2016. On that day, the students went around the villages in the Buffer Zone of Bardiya National Park interviewing people’s perception on National Park, ecotourism, waste management, water avaialbilty and sanitation. The next morning the students were briefed by the National Park officer, Nepal Army Major and National Trust for Nature Conservation (NTNC) officer about the ongoing conservation practices, community development activities, wildlife monitoring techniques such as Camera trapping, role of army in conservation and ongoing research projects. The students got a chance to observe nature and wildlife closely through elephant safari followed by jeep safari. The students estimated the biomass of elephant grass as well as prepared inventory list of the trees and measured DBH of each tree from 3 different plots within the national park. On the third day, the students conducted macroinvertebrates based water quality assessment of Ghodaghodi Lake. The education tour ended on 1st September, 2016.

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