Kathmandu Climate Talk 2020

Kathmandu Climate Talk 2020

The Kathmandu Climate Talk 2020 (KCT 2020) was organized on Friday, 17 January 2020 and held at Nami College, Jorpati, Kathmandu, Nepal was a new milestone. We would like to express our gratitude to all of the distinguished guests, speakers, and participants for making the programme a huge success. New and innovative ideas were explored, policies were discussed and collective pledge to accelerate climate action was undertaken. We believe that with good networking, grass-root level impact, hard work, and persistence, we can be a media and tool for change.

Opening remarks from Ms. Nishu Kaul, Earth Day Network India - South and South-East Asia director was very insightful. The video she introduced in the beginning; a video which was about wake up call to the current climate crisis. She introduced us about the earth day network, its beginning on 1970 April 22, and how from that day onward it has been a sensational movement; bringing-forth 20 million of people on streets and combining more than 50,000 partners for action on sustainable environmental goals. She mentioned about several projects such as Earthrise, Global Clean up, Earth challenge 2020 app and events like South Asia youth environmental conclave, that are working together for common goals and positive change.

The panel discussion ‘Advancing sustainability through Climate Action’, was again very engaging. Moderated by Mr. Shail Shrestha, this session provided plenty of engagement opportunities to the participant to raise their concerned questions. The remarks from Ms. Sajal Pradhan and Dr. Narayan Prasad Koju who talked about sustainability challenges, what can we do for better pragmatic adaptation strategies was very good. The inputs by Mr. Daya Sagar Shrestha on SDGs and Ms. Barsha Lekhi were commendable.

The second panel discussion session was about COP25 and why it was a complete disappointment, moderated by Mr. Tunga Bhadra Rai. The remarks from Mr. Manjeet Dhakal to be very informative. He discussed about the expectation from peoples scale regarding COP25, and even for small nation, Nepal can lead the way through. He emphasized about the importance of youth lead movement in the present scenario. On 2050, at the current pace of Green House Gas emission, with 2 degree Celsius rise of temperature, only 2% of today’s 60 years people would be around; compared with 89% of today’s 16 years old youths, who will suffer the consequences of the negligence of this generation. Likewise the inputs from Ms. Bindu Bhandari, Mr. Abhishek Shrestha and Mr. Rajan Thapa was also very impressive.

A software based simulation was conducted on C - roads which is developed by MIT and Climate Interactive. In the session participants had the experience of role playing climate policy negotiations. This has created positive impacts on participants and developed the capacity and understanding of international climate issues.

All the sessions were very intriguing and interesting. While the biggest industrial nations are denying climate reality and science, at least Nepal like nations are initiating dialogues and action plans.

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