A-Level Welcome & Farewell Programme 2019

A-Level Welcome & Farewell Programme 2019

NAMI College organized the A-Level Welcome &Farewell Programme on 25 th August 2019.
The event was marked by the launch of 1 st edition of NAMI A-Level magazine “Inside Out”
which focused on some of the finest collection from our students featuring a variety of
articles, art work etc. The event was graced by spectacular performances from our A-Level
students including an array of cultural dance performances, songs and stand-up comedy.
Students were felicitated for their outstanding contribution in different categories- leadership
ability, extra-curricular activities, literature, sports, community service, event management,
discipline, punctuality and regularity etc. Meritorious students were felicitated with the
Academic Excellence and the Best Student Award. The members of the editorial team of
the NAMI A-Level magazine “Inside Out” were conferred with special award for their
outstanding contribution to the A-Level Magazine. NAMI College would like to congratulate
all the award winners and the editorial team of the NAMI A-Level magazine and all those
who have contributed their articles for their hard work and dedication. NAMI College would
specially acknowledge and thank the entire NAMI fraternity for their continuous support,
guidance and cooperation in the organization of this event.

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