NAMI Marked World Water Day 2016

NAMI marked World Water Day 2016 with programmes based on water and jobs. Students from A Level to Bachelors (Environmental Science and Computing)showed their talents on: 1)Art Competition 2) Slogan competition and 3) Computer poster presentation. The winners are awarded with prize and certificate in a formal programme through the CEO. NAMI congratulates all.



 Art Competition: Tsewang Nuru Sherpa= 1st position and Chetna Gurung = 2nd Position


Slogan Competition: Sugam Dahal = 1st position and Anu Rai = 2nd position

Computer Poster Presentation: Prabesh BK and his team = 1st Position and Suman Dhungana and his team = 2nd Position

Event Details

  • Date 28 Mar 2016
  • Venue NAMI College, Library

Glimpse of the event